Dear Toyota, My name is Lindsay Shultz I am Toyota's Number One Fan!!!! My husband and I bought a Toyota Yaris five years ago. It was our first family car. Our family has now grown to include three boys and our Yaris is still our only car. I was teaching in Calgary, Alberta three years ago when I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. We decided that the best decision for our family was to move back to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan to be near family. And when I say near I mean we moved into my Mom's house. We are trying to sell our home in Calgary and until we buy a new home we can not purchase a second vehicle. So we are living and driving in very tight quarters. We love our Yaris and it will be the perfect second vehicle but our growing family, and when I say growing family I mean I would like to have one more baby and I am tired of my husband saying we don't have room for anymore kids. He actually agreed to having a baby if we win a Toyota. So as excited and grateful as I would be to win a new vehicle I would be ecstatic to get to have another baby. Everyone laughs at our family of five driving our little Yaris. My husband is over six feet tall and two hundred pounds. We have two cars seats in the back, we are literally cheek to cheek. But you should see how much stuff we can fit in our little car. From playpens, stollers, high chairs, toboganns, bikes, tents, coolers, fishing rods, and all with a canoe strapped to the top. Come here and we'll prove how we utilize every square inch. The Toyota Yaris is a part of our family. We have taken sick kids to the hospital in our car, I have had contractions in our car, we sing in our car, we laugh in our car.... We have put on over 195,000 km on our car travelling across Western Canada and nothing has gone wrong with our car. Most importantly we travel back to Alberta regularily for my Doctor appointments and I want to say Thank-You Toyota for getting my family there and back safely time and time again. We will forever be a Toyota family.